William Akers Speaks To Nashville Screenwriters

yourscreenplaysucksAttention all screenwriters!  This is a must-have book for your screenwriting library collection. For real!

On Monday, Will Akers spoke to members of the Nashville Writer’s Meetup at Border’s Books and Music, about his new book, Your Screenplay Sucks: 100 Ways To Make It Better.  He highlighted some of the all-too-frequent and common mistakes that his screenwriting students at Vanderbilt have been making over the years, mistakes that were the inspiration for this book.

Will’s book is loaded with great ways to vastly improve your screenplay.  During his presentation, he produced a piece of blank paper with a glowing, red F plastered on it.  This is what Will’s students receive if their work contains any spelling errors.  He emphasized how Hollywood will toss your screenplay into the slush pile if they find misspelled words, so his most important piece of advice is to make sure you use Spellcheck before sending your screenplays to agents and producers. 

Will has been in the biz of writing and critiquing screenplays for two decades, and he’s had three of his works made.  For more information on how to get your own copy of Your Screenplay Sucks:  100 Ways To Make It Better, or if you want to follow his blog, or invite him to speak to your group, then head over to http://yourscreenplaysucks.com.

Click Here To Get Your Copy At Amazon.com

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